Caisse d'Epargne Saint Denis Jardin d'Etat de Saint-Denis

RĂ©unionCaisse d'Epargne Saint Denis Jardin d'Etat



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57, Rue de Paris, 97400, Saint-Denis, Canton de Saint-Denis-2, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +33 2 62 94 80 71
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.8854566, Longitude: 55.4510366

commentaires 5

  • sautron anna

    sautron anna


    Welcoming, attentive staff Very responsive I recommend this bank Especially Madame Benoite at the top of the top

  • Djamila Attoumani

    Djamila Attoumani


    Not having succeeded in putting a new opinion, I modify it by keeping the old one below. I wanted to thank Ms. Hong for her professionalism and responsiveness. She was able to solve my problem quickly. Thanks again It's been MONTHS! Not 1 day or 1 week but I've been trying to reach my advisor via messaging for MONTHS and still no news! To have them online is a disaster. Please do something because this is not normal!!!

  • malbar YOHAN

    malbar YOHAN


    Wrong number and no response by mail

  • Gilbert JARON

    Gilbert JARON


    The customer service of this savings bank is zero because it does not exist. How is it possible to open accounts and customers never get a response. The messaging service sucks, If you call, the advisors are constantly unavailable and you waste time and money, without compensation. I plan to close my account, it is no longer tenable under these conditions. Gilbert Jaron

  • sarah dulac

    sarah dulac


    Non-existent customer service! It's been 1 month that I send emails via messaging... In vain! 0 response from an advisor. I've been calling nonstop for 2 days and still no answer. What is your email for?

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