Boulangerie Eskal gourmande de La Plaine-des-Palmistes

RéunionBoulangerie Eskal gourmande



🕗 horaire

La Plaine-des-Palmistes 97431, Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 692 45 68 90
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.1345643, Longitude: 55.6268877

commentaires 5

  • Stephane Larisson

    Stephane Larisson


  • Jack Rom

    Jack Rom


    Came by for a sandwich, left with nothing. Looked decent but their service was inadequate and very little options for a quick lunch. Would not recommend

  • Mathilde_ thrt

    Mathilde_ thrt


    Very good restaurant in "canteen" mode, very friendly and with good doses on the plates. We ate very well with really good food. There is choice and taste everywhere! The desserts are homemade and are excellent too! In short, a very good restaurant 👍

  • Veronique Le Toquin-martory

    Veronique Le Toquin-martory



  • Y Evans

    Y Evans


    Not as good as the bakeries in Cilaos, the West Island or central St Denis. But no worse than the other bakeries on La Plaine des Palmistes.

Café la plus proche

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