Better Days de Saint-Denis

RĂ©unionBetter Days



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136, Rue Jean Chatel, 97400, Saint-Denis, Canton de Saint-Denis-2, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +33 2 62 93 07 72
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.8839376, Longitude: 55.4516187

commentaires 5

  • クăƒȘă‚čDownix



    Reserved for 8 p.m. for Valentine's Day. Arrived on site, the place was infested with cockroaches, late reception. We are assigned a table, we sit down hoping to be served as soon as possible. A LITTLE hour later, a waiter cleaning the tables comes towards us asking if we have been served (Our table was empty. Maybe even cleaner than we arrived.) We keep hope, we say to ourselves that the opinions worth. 15 minutes of suspense, we see ourselves being fired from the restaurant because the kitchen closes in 15 minutes. Very disappointing experience.

  • Aurore Patchiapin

    Aurore Patchiapin


    I had not come for a few years but I am always satisfied. There is a good value for money and the taste is there đŸ‘ŒđŸœ The service was a little long but the servers were attentive.

  • MathĂ©o Mondon

    Mathéo Mondon


    Super !

  • Phil W

    Phil W


    Great food, EXCELLENT service and a nice environment inside and outside. Unlimited fries and drinks. Make sure you book as it gets full very quickly. Maybe the nicest and quickest staff in Reunion who are always happy to see you and are very helpful.

  • panda designer

    panda designer


    Bon sandwich et hamburger

Restaurant la plus proche

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