3 Brasseurs Saint-Paul de Saint Paul

Réunion3 Brasseurs Saint-Paul



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Route de Savanna, 2 Centre commercial, St Paul 97460, Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 263 00 01 00
site web: restaurants.3brasseurs.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.9878649, Longitude: 55.2937019

commentaires 5

  • Jakob Jørgensen

    Jakob Jørgensen


    Discovered 3 Brasseurs by accident at Intermarché Savannah. The entre is quite original with beer being made for all to see. The restaurant itself is quite franchise-ish. Drinks card and a newspaper menu. Service was fast, attentive and smiling. Always !! I took a Country Burger with chicken as menu. Food was below my expectations. Chicken some burned, chips cold and the extras was in small bags one couldn't open with greasy fingers. The milkshake with the burger was ... a milkshake - nothing done for the presentation or experience. The Coke Zero and the salad that came along th burger both met my expectations. I would not go back there on my own initiative - if invited, I'd tag along :)

  • FABIAN Mitrache

    FABIAN Mitrache


    The waiters are smiling, they are friendly and very present! It looks like they are enjoying what they are doing. Above all I am very happy that they have the real spicy oil in botle and not that stupid plastic package.

  • Rigg Rental

    Rigg Rental


    Brilliant service and really good food !!!

  • Francesco



    Very good

  • Sebastien Mehats

    Sebastien Mehats


    Poor today's special- no meat. Only bones

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