Ti Kaz Hoareau de Le Tampon

RĂ©unionTi Kaz Hoareau


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270, Chemin Emile Zola, 97430, Le Tampon, Canton du Tampon-1, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 692 68 20 75
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.2355393, Longitude: 55.5015936

commentaires 5

  • hervĂ© carpot

    hervé carpot


    Super welcome, the bhotes were very caring with us throughout the stay. Very generous meal and breakfast. Pleasant and quiet setting. We will be going back there very soon.

  • letchi moi

    letchi moi


    Very pleasant welcome, friendly people, the evening meals are very good (the potato cake with homemade salted butter caramel is to die for) as is the breakfast which is excellent. The sauna and the private spa allow you to relax in peace. J&M

  • paty B-lin

    paty B-lin


    The best place to spend a good moment of relaxation with the rooms equipped with sauna and jacuzzi. We had a very warm welcome and we were really pampered during our stay. The meal and breakfast plentiful and delicious. I will return and highly recommend. Value for money you can't find better!

  • StĂ©phane Gaudens

    Stéphane Gaudens


    A real moment of relaxation with people whose kindness is matched only by their quality of service and their sense of hospitality. This place is a real Eden where you can combine the comfort of a 5⭐ with excellent traditional catering, most of the ingredients of which come from the aromatic garden, in a warm atmosphere in the company of the masters of the place who will not fail to ensure that that everything goes perfectly for your stay. Definitely the best establishment I have attended so far, congratulations and see you soon, we will definitely be back!

  • Marie Rousselle

    Marie Rousselle


    Super welcome, hosts with great care in the attention to detail. The warm welcome on arrival with a small drink, an acquaintance, the visit of the places with discoveries of the plants of the garden. A cozy room with Spa and Sauna, mini bar with free drinks, tea and coffee. A quality meal: aperitif, starter main course dessert and drinks and good atmosphere. At night: a peace and quiet that feels good. And the breakfast at the top and very hearty :-)! I highly recommend

Lodging la plus proche

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