Restaurant Le B&K1 de Saint-Benoît

RéunionRestaurant Le B&K1


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12, RN3, 97470, Saint-Benoît, Canton de Saint-Benoît-1, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 28 50 50
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.052299, Longitude: 55.714585

commentaires 5

  • Nicolas B.

    Nicolas B.


    Big room, good service and good food for a reasonable price.

  • benda lou

    benda lou


    A restaurant that makes a lot of effort to retain customers by offering a more than satisfactory experience. Prices are reasonable what better

  • Jocelyne Riviere

    Jocelyne Riviere


    Nice and friendly environment. Very nice room. Very nice home. Service at the top. Very good gourmet meal. . I will be back there....

  • Thomas Panagiotidis

    Thomas Panagiotidis


    You don't need to drive there, the restaurant is right next to the gas station and has long been permanently closed

  • Luccio M

    Luccio M


    Beautiful establishment offering quality services. The buffets on offer are varied, the room is spotless and the service quite up to par. Once in the dining room located on the first floor with sea view, we quickly forget the unpleasant feeling left by the entrance to the restaurant located next to the gas station.

Restaurant la plus proche

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