Restaurant Le Jaipur Délices de Saint-Benoît

RéunionRestaurant Le Jaipur Délices



🕗 horaire

96, Rue Lallemand, 97470, Saint-Benoît, Canton de Saint-Benoît-1, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 50 72 85
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.0426175, Longitude: 55.7198411

commentaires 5

  • Kevin chane-kam

    Kevin chane-kam


    Good food with good value for money! on the other hand, you have to arrive early around 11:50 a.m. 😊 Sometimes open on Sundays it makes the difference when everything is closed around!

  • Mathieu LIATOUT

    Mathieu LIATOUT


    Tray to take away at 7€. Very good. Well-filled tray. Successful Creole meal. Pay attention to customer service

  • RPE Les Produits d'entretien

    RPE Les Produits d'entretien


    Restaurant Lebeau Saphir _st Benoit ✔️ Everyone has their own preference for the desired product. #Det 2DAlmond 5L ✌️📲 Thank you so much for your loyalty

  • dJ jAcKdA

    dJ jAcKdA


    Called to book the person didn't even know if the restaurant was open tonight 😂😂

  • Alban “Alban V” V

    Alban “Alban V” V


    Very clean restaurant, something quite rare. The trays are well supplied and possibility of making a loyalty card. Best Saint Benedict takeaway in my opinion. On Thursday, massalé goat and larson broth.

Restaurant la plus proche

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