Post Office Saint-Louis de Saint-Louis

RéunionPost Office Saint-Louis


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Rue Saint Philippe, 97450, Saint-Louis, Canton de Saint-Louis-1, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +33 2 62 39 10 10
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.2889479, Longitude: 55.406737

commentaires 5

  • DayDreamer (Day Dreamer)

    DayDreamer (Day Dreamer)


    Clearly, nothing to say. Friendly and professional staff, postman(s), in any case the one who passes by my house, nothing to say too. Really unfortunate that the sorting center closes, forced to go to the post office in the city center and hit the whole crowd just to pick up or drop off a package.

  • Guillaume Lambert

    Guillaume Lambert


    Hasn't delivered mail or parcels for a month in some neighborhoods. They don't answer the phone. Customer service does not even recognize the total dysfunction in certain districts

  • Charrier françois

    Charrier françois


    Convenient hours for those who work!!!!! and when it comes to a package for professional use! In short: efforts to be made.

  • Louis



    No service capable of properly meeting consumer expectations! Service to review totally rotten! Arrived at a post office to pick up a package except they are unable to collect money! NONE NONE NONE! Zero ! We give you a number where you can call 10,000 times without having a single answer! Apart from 3631, which can't give you any information other than to tell you that you have to wait! After 2 months of waiting while the package is in customs clearance now it is blocked at the post office.....! (forced to put a star against my will to be able to post this message! )

  • Michel



    A post office without a photocopier, I had never seen before coming to Reunion... It is also general. The galley to make photocopies on the island!

Bureau de poste la plus proche

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