Post Office de Saint-Pierre

RéunionPost Office



🕗 horaire

Rue de l'ancienne usine, 97410, Saint-Pierre, Canton de Saint-Pierre-3, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.360229, Longitude: 55.525949

commentaires 5

  • François



    Very pleasant and professional welcome, speed and efficiency at the rendezvous

  • Charlotte Hoarau

    Charlotte Hoarau


    Office with a very welcoming counter but office without air conditioning. I pity her!

  • O B

    O B


    Super welcome and the staff is attentive to our needs.

  • Marie Hoarau

    Marie Hoarau


    No more than 3 people inside. So the others wait in the sun or rain standing.and very few opening hours.

  • Stephanie Dompy

    Stephanie Dompy


    Shame!!! People have to wait outside in the sun as the office only allows one person at a time. Rare opening hours for a respectable number of inhabitants. Here, we don't even check the gates anymore.

Bureau de poste la plus proche

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