O Macaron Patissier Salon De Thé i Saint-Leu

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GenforeningO Macaron Patissier Salon De Thé



🕗 åbningstider

Boulevard Bonnier, 97436, Saint-Leu, Canton de Saint-Leu, RE Réunion
kontakter telefon: +262 262 33 66 39
internet side: omacaron.re
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -21.1699127, Longitude: 55.2873333

kommentar 5

  • Belinda BANOR

    Belinda BANOR


    I love coming to taste their homemade pastries, salads, quiches... The employees are smiling, we can easily discuss. The service at the top!!!

  • Gildas BRIAND

    Gildas BRIAND


    Homemade pies with tasty salad Delicious cakes Too bad the rum baba is only made on Saturdays 🤪 . I happened to leave after lunch with other cakes for dinner 🤭

  • Josette Bertil

    Josette Bertil


    I like this place, essential for me when I go to St leu. Delicious macaroons, nowhere else will you find such delicious 😋

  • Line35



    Very warm welcome, a simple storefront, beautiful pastries, a large selection of teas, cold homemade drinks, a shady terrace in a quiet little street. I recommend 👍

  • Antonio Guastafierro

    Antonio Guastafierro


    Lovely bakery and tea house. Ideal for breakfast and exceptional pastries. The macarons are the specialty and they have a huge variety for all the tastes. Highly recommended for a relaxed and nice breakfast

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