SEAVIEW Restaurant & Lounge i Saint-Leu

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GenforeningSEAVIEW Restaurant & Lounge



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21, Rue du Pressoir, 97424, Saint-Leu, Canton de Saint-Leu, RE Réunion
kontakter telefon: +262 262 34 78 56
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Latitude: -21.2215966, Longitude: 55.3031369

kommentar 5

  • Matthias PAYET

    Matthias PAYET


    A bit difficult to find Behind the macdo once arrived at the garage in the basement, you have to take the elevator to floor 3;) For the more or less welcoming service Nice view Excellent appetizer and tapas Entrecote very good for my taste! Swordfish a bit bland. Chicken Wallet not amazing but good Prime rib requested served a little overcooked… excellent tamarind rum!

  • Cathy TANTALE

    Cathy TANTALE


    Pleasant and spacious setting. The view is great and the meals are good. Good address at the portal in Saint-Leu!

  • Lyne Lyne

    Lyne Lyne


    I went there one evening during the week with a friend for a meal between girls Not easy to find the restaurant, no sign or so not seen. But in any case it is not obvious, You first have to go through several doctor's offices before you get there and take the elevator. The decor is beautiful with Balinese chandelier. It was raining a lot that night, not pleasant at all because you can eat there just on the terrace, although it is covered, we were not completely dry. Great lack of professionalism from the server, we had our margarita returned because the cocktail was not complete, he had forgotten the salt around the short glass The presentation of the dishes is pretty but it stops there the taste is not there but the note is salty. Very disappointed by this address, I will unfortunately not return.

  • marie DIOMAT

    marie DIOMAT


    Pleasant, spacious setting. well arranged and decorated. Good welcome. Friendly and relaxed atmosphere. Good service. The tuna tartare was excellent and very filling. And finally, the tarte tatin was delicious. I dined very well. 👏👏

  • Daniel Dobbert

    Daniel Dobbert


    The construction sites around make it impossible to find it and to park.

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