Le QG de Saint-Gilles les Bains

RéunionLe QG



🕗 horaire

122, Rue du Général de Gaulle, Saint-Gilles les Bains, RE Reunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 13 68 12
site web: www.facebook.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.051963, Longitude: 55.22723

commentaires 5

  • fr

    mamadou blacks


    Bonne ambiance tapas pour 16eur environ ..cocktail magnifique mais assez leger au niveau de l alcool

  • Jer Crowle

    Jer Crowle


    Very trendy place. The food was great. The drinks ice cold. Nice staff & even nicer prices! Would def visit this place again!




    Nice Restaurant at an excellent location. Food was good and suggest you to make a reservation for your seat prior to going dinner or lunch. Have indoor and terrace seating with high chairs and tables.

  • Serge Eden

    Serge Eden


    Great African experience restaurant in the Sud of Reunion ,great vibe and the karaoke 🎤 that makes it vintage...the space is too small that makes the restaurant appear to be too crowded...the food is a disappointment maybe my expectations were too high I personally love African cuisine...great service the owners and staff are very very friendly

  • Joris Peucheret

    Joris Peucheret


    Went there for few drinks and ended having food...Amazing and tasty portions with diveristy of tapas...each one as savouring as the over from starter to desert...They also make great cocktails and have a good DJ (at least the night we went)...Have fun!

Bar la plus proche

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