Le four Ă  pain de Saint-Philippe

RĂ©unionLe four Ă  pain


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63C RN2 Le Baril, Saint-Philippe 97442, RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 692 36 61 55
site web: www.hotelscheck-in.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.3691066, Longitude: 55.727522

commentaires 5

  • Karim Porino

    Karim Porino


    In an exotic setting of greenery and fruit trees, the bread oven is an excellent address. The welcome is warm, the accommodation comfortable, the swimming pool (partly shaded) is very pleasant and the breakfast delicious and very hearty! Not to be missed for a stop in the area!




    Very nice place with well equipped rooms. We will listen to you and we will gladly show you the fertilization of vanilla. Beautiful garden and beautiful swimming pool in a very beautiful setting. The breakfast is varied, frugal and very good.

  • LeĂŻticia NOURRY

    LeĂŻticia NOURRY


    Welcome at the top with the owner who is super nice The estate is huge and magnificent, it is an exceptional setting to rest The breakfast is rich in fruit The swimming pool is also excellent. Even if it was raining we went swimming. The rooms are great because the bathrooms are inside. We will come back for sure.

  • cynthia turpin

    cynthia turpin


    Magnificent place, in the middle of an agricultural domain but easy access, great staff, the owner is very available, very welcoming, it is a pleasure to discuss with him. His wife is very nice but more discreet. the bedding is top notch and the bungalow super charming. The swimming pool is good, surrounded by trees. The breakfast is great, lots of exotic fruits, an excellent papaya-vanilla jam! In addition, you can buy vanilla with the owner who is also a producer. Stay for 2 in peace, there is no noise except that of nature. I highly recommend !

  • Andrew van Ginneken

    Andrew van Ginneken


    This is the first time I've ever left a review for anything online but I felt compelled to for this great place. Amazing surroundings and very lovely owners. If you get a chance to have a chat with them I would, they are very interesting.

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