Sarl La Rose du Sud de Saint-Joseph

RĂ©unionSarl La Rose du Sud


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4, Rue Gabriel Macé, 97480, Saint-Joseph, Canton de Saint-Joseph, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 692 73 22 71
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.3817672, Longitude: 55.6490093

commentaires 5

  • Franziska Leimeister

    Franziska Leimeister


    Perfect stay! Hosts very kind, present and attentive. Magnificent setting, superb swimming pool, jacuzzi entirely made of stone, ideally placed between the Jacqueline and Langevin waterfalls, tastefully decorated bungalow...we had a very, very good time with our 2-year-old son! Best wishes !

  • damien niklo

    damien niklo


    We stayed 14 days at the rose du sud and it was perfect 👍 The owners of the places Laurie and StĂ©phane are very pleasant and even more friendly 🙂 And will give you many tips to discover this wonderful island. I renew our thanks to them and look forward to returning to their magnificent gĂźte.

  • Marylou DUMOULIN

    Marylou DUMOULIN


    Owners at the top, great service, very pretty place with lots of trees, a little unexpected romantic evening, quiet!!!! Many thanks

  • France France

    France France


    Very warm welcome from the hosts. Great stay. Simple bungalow (for 4 people) but with everything you need to have a good time. My kids enjoyed the pool. Ideal location for accessing the Langevin River. Thank you Laurie for your welcome and your kindness. We will not hesitate to come back next time.

  • Jan Peter de Valk

    Jan Peter de Valk


    Great place if you are chasing paradise, meet the superfriendly french speaking owners Stephane and Laurie to brush up your french and taste a well prepared french breakfast... what a pool and what a surroundings near the sea and local shops! Fresh baguette etc every day! Touring the island from this base is wonderful and easy, you will see lava, flowers, waterfalls, waves, beaches, mountains, lush vegetation, but also the finest supermarkets and local restaurants. Sport or relax. And you can sit at your terrace sipping whatever you like with your own cuisine products if you enjoy cooking in your chalet... wondering why to leave at all....

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