Le Clos des Mimosas i La Plaine Des Palmistes

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GenforeningLe Clos des Mimosas



🕗 åbningstider

4, Rue des Goyaviers, 97431, La Plaine Des Palmistes, Canton de Saint-Benoît-1, RE Réunion
kontakter telefon: +33 6 92 41 67 29
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Latitude: -21.1376211, Longitude: 55.6169714

kommentar 5

  • julienne B MBA

    julienne B MBA


    I did not feel safe with an open terrace. The worst is the paaaartout dust (Hello dust mite allergies) a cooker to cook would be more than welcome when you go out with children. On the other hand, the only positive point was to meet the family at breakfast. It's loves

  • Plante Adrien

    Plante Adrien


    Friendly welcome, beautiful landscape, cute chalet, but a few small details (ordinary breakfast, loose tiles on the terrace, leaky shower tray) make the price of 60€/night a bit expensive. Otherwise good overall and pleasant tranquility.

  • Jean Mich

    Jean Mich


    I spent the week between Christmas and the 31st in the Clos des Mimosas: - superb welcome by the owners. We stayed in the chalet with a superb view of the mountains! Ideal location between mountain and sea, and many outings around thanks to the advice of our hosts! Only positive about the cottage and the owners!! Escape assured at home!

  • Mathilde FrRANCOIS

    Mathilde FrRANCOIS


    Warm welcome, beautiful setting, very cute and well-equipped chalet. Close to the city center. The shower leaks otherwise no problem. Simple and good breakfast. Thanks

  • catherine trochu

    catherine trochu


    Bed and breakfast avoided. From the reception, we wonder if we are expected. Room limit. And the height of breakfast, the owner informs us that there will be no fruit for breakfast the next morning because too expensive. We had a hard-boiled egg, coffee or tea with bread and jam. Inadmissible. the owner had told us the day before, I'm going to prepare you some caps etc. for breakfast, all lies. Disappointed, especially not to go there.

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