Le Butor de Saint-Benoît

RéunionLe Butor



🕗 horaire

1-9, Ruelle Vital, 97470, Saint-Benoît, Canton de Saint-Benoît-2, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 78 31 56
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.0402154, Longitude: 55.7223503

commentaires 5

  • elgé lg

    elgé lg


    Simplicity in the presentation and excellence in the service and the plate. Plate made to the minute all the more. Very reasonable budget as a bonus. Suited us very well after the hike. I highly recommend

  • Pascal Madia

    Pascal Madia


    I ate well the service a little long but no worries everything and good

  • P Tsche

    P Tsche


    A bit too adventurous… Chinese (was out) and French mailand cuisine on the menu. The waiter a bit too drunk and all the food was clealy once in a deep freezer. Edible but not a pleasure.

  • Benjamin De Vrieze

    Benjamin De Vrieze


    The boss is funny but a little intrusive (sits at our table, smokes next to us). The dishes are correct in taste but the quantity a bit low (20euros for 3 prawns...). There must be better in the area.

  • Daniel Hiebel

    Daniel Hiebel


    Tiny but very friendly and down to earth with a very good chef! We had Mussels and Shrimps, both fresh and tasty. Would definitely come back!

Restaurant la plus proche

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