La Caz Oceane i Saint-Leu

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GenforeningLa Caz Oceane



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28, Chemin Mutel, 97416, Saint-Leu, Canton de Saint-Leu, RE Réunion
kontakter telefon: +262 262 54 89 40
internet side:
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Latitude: -21.136318, Longitude: 55.3093164

kommentar 5

  • Garvi Congreve

    Garvi Congreve


    Superb welcome from Sébastien who runs a very nice site, a splendid view, very nice room and nicely decorated bathroom, beautiful exteriors and common areas, private parking, excellent hearty breakfast, homemade local products Superb stay with a great friendliness, beautiful smiles and very warm Thank you 🤗

  • Gilbert Roques

    Gilbert Roques


    Very good welcome and friendly person excellent and hearty breakfast very nice view I recommend it for the price

  • Patrick M

    Patrick M


    Sébastien knows how to put you at ease with his 3 very pleasant and interested boys. Dinner was up to par with appetizer and wine included. The hearty breakfast with homemade products on the terrace with a splendid view.

  • Jeremy Roux

    Jeremy Roux


    We had a great time in this bed and breakfast, which has a lot of charm and is very comfortable. Special mention to Sébastien for his welcome and for the sunset from the jaccuzi!

  • Julie Allondrelle

    Julie Allondrelle


    I liked staying there. The family is friendly and gives good advice. We had dinner there. Everything is homemade and really good, we enjoyed sharing our meals with the family, good convivial moments. Breakfast!? Copious! Cake, pancakes, bread and jams are homemade. Extra! And the view of the coast, too beautiful! Our only regret is the humidity and the traces of mold present in the bedroom and the bathroom. There are things to improve there.

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