Iloha Seaview Hotel i Saint-Leu

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GenforeningIloha Seaview Hotel



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Pointe des Châteaux, 44 Rue Georges Pompidou, Saint-Leu 97436, Réunion
kontakter telefon: +262 262 34 89 89
internet side:
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Latitude: -21.1481131, Longitude: 55.2776715

kommentar 5

  • Ross Devine

    Ross Devine


    Stayed in December for a second time, last stayed in 2016. Always a very good and well rounded hotel. Accomodation, service and food. If anything negative, breakfast offering was not great.

  • Rigg Rental

    Rigg Rental


    Very average hotel. Arrived for drinks and received no service and left. Drinks menu also very expensive ☝🏻

  • Nazir Soogun

    Nazir Soogun


    Nice place to be.... Unfortunately no Seaview from our room and menu limited but delicious ...friendly and helpful staff...

  • Tom Du Toit

    Tom Du Toit


    Enjoyed it very much. Romantic, great view of the beach, very tidy/ neat facilities, clean and cozy room. Staff was friendly and although they had difficulty understanding English they made an effort to find out exactly what we meant.

  • Dylan Lock

    Dylan Lock


    Wonderful Resort. Amazing Service. We came in last minute and were welcomed with open arms by the staff, who swiftly accommidated us with a great room and quickly fitted it with a bed for our infant son. While awaiting a flight through long delays with an unknown departure date, they resolved our worries and helped us tremendously when our son feel ill. The grounds of the hotel are beautiful. The bar and resturant overlook the gorgous blue pool. Bartenders are really friendly and make great local drinks. Can't say enough good things about this Hotel. Highly Recommend.

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