HĂŽtel Les GĂ©raniums de La Plaine des Cafres

RĂ©unionHĂŽtel Les GĂ©raniums


pas d'information

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RN 3 - PK 24 - Bourg Murat, La Plaine des Cafres 97418, Reunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 59 11 06
site web: www.hotelrestaurantlesgeraniums.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.2186208, Longitude: 55.5602645

commentaires 5

  • en

    Katja HĂŒhnel


    Realy nice small hotel. Nice view, very lovely staff. The rooms were clean and have enough space for two people even if you stay longer. The food was realy good. Only thing which was not so good: no WiFi in the rooms.

  • Martine



    Un accueil catastrophe. Des grandes chambres mais le sol fait un bruit affreux . Un souper limite... un déjeuner il n'y a rien ..1 fruit, 1 second pas possible . propreté zéro. Le matin les nappes du soir avec les tùches de vin et les miettes de pain. Dommage car une belle vue et situation .

  • en

    john spotten


    Get a room opening up onto the whispering pines. Bueatiful setting and views with the casual cows in front. Not to mention the peaceful and tranquil surroundings. We will be back soon.

  • Serge Eden

    Serge Eden


    Very quiet and tranquil small room but clean...wifi too slow but great service from the multiple tasks receptionist and barman ...great view to the mountains from my room just a great place to be for the weekend....

  • en

    Georg Ellila


    Affordable hotel quite close to the volcano, but the restaurant is a little overpriced and not very good.

Lodging la plus proche

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