Hotel La Fournaise de Sainte-Rose

RĂ©unionHotel La Fournaise


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154, Route Nationale 2, 97439, Sainte-Rose, Canton de Saint-BenoĂźt-2, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262
site web:
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Latitude: -21.1275214, Longitude: 55.7878514

commentaires 5

  • Adela Ostrovska

    Adela Ostrovska


    Super friendly staff!! Nice and clean rooms. And Very good food! All that you need :) we were very satisfied 👍

  • May Chiu

    May Chiu


    6 euros for a coffee to go is a ripoff anywhere in the world. I am truly disgusted.

  • Lisa Brack

    Lisa Brack


    Very friendly and helpful staff and a surprisingly good breakfast. So why just two stars? The hotel needs urgently an update, it‘s obviously very old fashioned. The WiFi is a joke, it just works at the reception. Furthermore the street is very very noisy and the view out toward the electricity farm is not so beautiful. We did not use the pool so I can’t tell how this it.

  • Elinor Dashwood

    Elinor Dashwood


    Lovely people, lovely kitchen and a lovely oceanview! However, the place needs urgent a person/team with a talent for design- it has soooo much unused potential! The bathrooms- more specifically the showers are in bad shape, were really really unprofessional constructed with the silicon isolation (like it has been made by a 3-year old child) which also has mold. It could just take a day or two for some talented people to correct these things and make a cozier and warmer design. The lovely stuff had made the impression however better.

  • Richard Schaefer

    Richard Schaefer


    Tasty breakfast and dinner, but the hotel is shabby and without big comfort

Lodging la plus proche

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