LE RUBINJO de Saint-Benoît




🕗 horaire

8, Chemin des Bleuets, 97470, Saint-Benoît, Canton de Saint-Benoît-2, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 692 08 84 39
site web: lerubinjo.jimdo.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.0836798, Longitude: 55.6935882

commentaires 5

  • Denis Lucas

    Denis Lucas


    Very professional hosts, accommodation at the top, very pleasant garden and swimming pool, we recommend +++ only small problem, the dogs in the neighborhood who bark at night!

  • Thibaut Pianu

    Thibaut Pianu


    Horrible, The room was not the one reserved, the host turns off the air conditioning. Criticisms... Go your way.

  • Céline DUVAL

    Céline DUVAL


    Very pleasant stay, warm welcome and room decorated with taste and comfort. The hosts are knowledgeable and very accommodating. The breakfast is just perfect with quality products. I recommend +++

  • Sandrine Bruckert

    Sandrine Bruckert


    Spacious, clean apartment with a wonderful pool and terrace. Patricia and Irené take great care of their vacationers. We had wonderful breakfasts (homemade with good local products) 😍 We loved the place and our hosts. This is our crush ❤️ Thank you for all !!!

  • David Flader

    David Flader


    Great place to stay with super friendly hosts and great breakfast.

Lodging la plus proche

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