Gîte de Roche Plate i Saint-Joseph

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GenforeningGîte de Roche Plate


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Sentier de la Rivière des Remparts Roche Plate, 97480, Saint-Joseph, Canton de Saint-Joseph, RE Réunion
kontakter telefon: +262 692 68 35 32
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Latitude: -21.2458333, Longitude: 55.6161111

kommentar 5

  • Frédérique Mallet

    Frédérique Mallet


    Koman i lé zordu? The cottage is perfectly isolated and dated from the 60s. So toilets 🚽🚿 and shower outside not the old way 😁... Don't forget your flashlight.🔦 Dinner and breakfast are excellent. Curfew at 10:30 p.m. because of the generator. We couldn't take advantage of everything. And the kids would have stayed longer 😊 © Frédérique Mallet, in the land of his ancestors 👒

  • Claude C

    Claude C


    A fabulous site, a warm welcome and after that a meal in the pure Creole tradition 🤩🤩👍 it's worth the detour

  • Élodie Coco

    Élodie Coco


    I do not recommend this lodge. Arriving at the cottage we were greeted like unclean people, the manager Mrs. Morel is an incredibly cold person, not a smile, not an ounce of benevolence or kindness. We turned around so much we were disappointed with the reception. Too bad the place is very beautiful but when you are the manager of a gite it is better to have a sense of hospitality Madam change your job!!

  • Julia James

    Julia James


    A superb discovery when arriving in the village from Nez de boeuf: a warm welcome, a lovely site with a large grassy area, comfortable tents (thick mattresses, warm duvets and soft pillows), a delicious and hearty dinner, a great atmosphere, a peaceful night and pancakes for breakfast! Thank you to the whole team it was a wonderful weekend!




    Sharing such a place as a family with my parents who can no longer make long journeys on foot is just wonderful. The 4x4 experience is also incredible for the uninitiated. In short, a place to discover where it will be good to come back.

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