Dr Charlotte TREFFEL Orthodontiste - ORTHOSMÎLE de Saint Paul

RĂ©unionDr Charlotte TREFFEL Orthodontiste - ORTHOSMÎLE



🕗 horaire

3, Rue Terrain L’Avion, 97435, Saint Paul, Canton de Saint-Paul-3, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 262 86 86 29
site web: www.orthosmile.re
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.042292, Longitude: 55.251578

commentaires 5

  • tilin sandra

    tilin sandra


    Dr. Treffel is very warm and welcoming. She has been following me for more than 2 years and I am completely satisfied.

  • tad botta

    tad botta


    My best Orthodontist in the World ❀ sweet kind listening excellent work 🙏 my teeth are worthy of a star. Thank you Charlotte❀ Paloma

  • Svetlana Morgel

    Svetlana Morgel


    Superb orthodontist, more than competent. I trusted him 100% to restore my smile and I did well. She gives good advice and does not overtreat what some orthodontists unfortunately tend to do. She works with heart. Thank you very much for your work Mrs. Philippe.

  • Lisa Caramin

    Lisa Caramin


    I knew Charlotte in Belgium, always a pleasant welcome with wise advice. I am very very satisfied with the result of my treatment and I highly recommend it. Competence and kindness are what characterizes her

  • Serneels Laure

    Serneels Laure


    We did not know her at the meeting but in Belgium. He is a very gentle person, who is very reassuring when one is a little afraid of dentists/orthodontists. Very professional I recommend it 100%

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