Café Edouard de Saint-Denis

RéunionCafé Edouard



🕗 horaire

13, Ruelle Edouard, 97400, Saint-Denis, Canton de Saint-Denis-2, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 262 28 45 02
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.8767789, Longitude: 55.4489241

commentaires 5

  • Gareth Clutton

    Gareth Clutton


    Beers( good choice on tap)/ food / music . The chicken burger was one best I've had in a long time. A good "dirty burger" Sorry in a good way. The only reason not 5 star is.... Well always room for improvement. Worth a visit

  • Buhle yengwa

    Buhle yengwa


    Perfect place to dine and drink.... Friendly staff I loved it. Was watching Morocco and England world cup semifinals....... Beautiful.....!

  • Pierre-valentin Cortes

    Pierre-valentin Cortes


    Always a good moment, good prices, friendly and nice service, good food during the day, pizzas and tapas at night. Even better when there’s live music !

  • Ece Muratoğlu

    Ece Muratoğlu


    Great location and they are open on Sundays whereas most of the places in town is so quiet and asleep.

  • Dannisen Chellen

    Dannisen Chellen


    - Place to be for french pastries ... - Parking space available - Payment by card included (visa / unionpay ..)

Restaurant la plus proche

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