L'Eté Glacé de Saint-Denis

RéunionL'Eté Glacé



🕗 horaire

19, Rue de la Compagnie, 97400, Saint-Denis, Canton de Saint-Denis-2, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 262 20 14 01
site web: www.tarterieleteglace.re
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.8781378, Longitude: 55.4495515

commentaires 5

  • Olivier Michel

    Olivier Michel


    nice little restaurant, where there are the best savory and sweet pies in Saint Denis. to eat in or take away. the landlady is super nice, as well as her room help, it's clean and pleasant to relax between noon and 2 p.m. but I advise you to book, there won't be a piece of pie or cake for everyone, it goes quickly, it's so good.

  • ChloĂ©



    Always smiling and friendly welcome, intimate setting, succulent pies, fair prices

  • Olivier MERLE

    Olivier MERLE


    Excellent address. Paintings on display (for sale) regularly renewed. Always greeted with a smile and attention. It would be a shame to miss it!

  • **



    Welcoming and pleasant staff, clean and well decorated room. The pies are generously served with a salad. They are super good. Around €14 for the menu, very affordable. I'll be back.

  • Sabrina S

    Sabrina S


    When I go there I know I'm going to eat very well, the savory and sweet pies are delicious. What a treat

Restaurant la plus proche

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