Cabinet Dentaire du Barachois de Saint-Denis

RéunionCabinet Dentaire du Barachois



🕗 horaire

11, Rue Du Mat Du Pavillon, 97400, Saint-Denis, Canton de Saint-Denis-2, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 41 05 74
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.8743269, Longitude: 55.447492

commentaires 4

  • Jenn Ifer

    Jenn Ifer


    I called for 5 appointments (3 adults and 2 children 12 and 8 years old) but the secretary told me that they don't take children. That's a shame.

  • Colleen Jeanne Ginette Desruisseaux

    Colleen Jeanne Ginette Desruisseaux


    Even though I'm afraid of the dentist, the office and the staff are very nice and welcoming. The dentist and the dental assistants are very caring.

  • Cabinet Dentaire Barachois

    Cabinet Dentaire Barachois


  • N CH

    N CH


Dentiste la plus proche

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