cabinet dentaire de Saint-Benoît

Réunioncabinet dentaire


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1 Bd De La Sous Prefecture 97470 St Benoît, 1 Avenue François Mitrerrand, Saint-Benoît 97470, Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 50 10 93
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.0356651, Longitude: 55.7126287

commentaires 5

  • Anthony Hoareau

    Anthony Hoareau


    this dental office has a secretary who thinks she is allowed to have a bad dialogue with the patient; many patients complain about this secretary; if you don't have your certificate she decides to cancel the appointment; illegal, and the worst she likes to gossip she will recognize herself as the oldest

  • Nesly PACCA

    Nesly PACCA


    Now you have to have a piston, even to go to the dentist. Unbelievable !

  • laurine fontaine

    laurine fontaine


  • Priscilla M

    Priscilla M


    I confirm that this dentist is not taking new patients. And it's really incomprehensible.

  • Scorpio



    What if they don't take new patients anymore? might as well warn or something

Dentiste la plus proche

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