Boulangerie Restaurant Paul Portail de Saint-Leu

RĂ©unionBoulangerie Restaurant Paul Portail



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Centre Commercial Portail, Saint-Leu 97424, RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 262 42 99 52
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.21825, Longitude: 55.30055

commentaires 5

  • Cindy R.

    Cindy R.


    Thanks to whoever helped me. The slightly older employee clears the table on the terrace, I call her several times with politeness for a question (closing time) and does not answer. Is she hard of hearing or tired? I found the answer on the internet, you close at 7 p.m.

  • Dominique Magne

    Dominique Magne


    This morning we had breakfast we were badly received and the cappuccino gave us a stomach ache I think the milk was turning cold pastries I will not go back

  • Audrey Fst

    Audrey Fst


    I ordered a strawberry for my birthday but unfortunately it didn't last until noon the next day, the strawberries on top were too soaked and I ended up with a big puddle of syrup on the marzipan and therefore a liquid almond paste. Also the tray on which the cake was placed was not at all suitable, it is a concave deco tray on the edges which had the effect of moving the cake and giving something irregular

  • JĂ©han Rodd

    JĂ©han Rodd


    Shame on the sandwiches! €4.8 for 4 small pieces of chicken
 The preparers should provide a little more sandwiches at this price!

  • Teddy HORN

    Teddy HORN


    I didn't know there was a restaurant upstairs, very good surprise and the burgers are very good! Friendly and welcoming staff!

Boulangerie la plus proche

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