Boulangerie PĂątisserie M.Ayave de Saint-Denis

RĂ©unionBoulangerie PĂątisserie M.Ayave



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28bis, Avenue Marcel Hoarau, 97490, Saint-Denis, Canton de Saint-Denis-1, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 262 46 88 88
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.8991974, Longitude: 55.4915823

commentaires 5

  • Adrianna KJD

    Adrianna KJD


    I have been going to this place for a few months now, their iced coffee is great and the pastries and pastries too, it is pleasant to sit there and spend some time on the terrace inside and it is also very beautiful

  • Perrault Jean Dany

    Perrault Jean Dany


    Reception staff would be nice to say hello and a smile but not for sale thank you

  • jerome raybois

    jerome raybois


    The pastries are just perfect. After having toured the bakeries of Saint Denis, my favorite is for this one. Very good and a great welcome. I recommend

  • Stephan Wong

    Stephan Wong


    Renowned for its pastries, I wanted to take some and I took the opportunity to buy bread. The pastries were good, although expensive for what it was. On the other hand, I put a disastrous note, because while eating my slice of bread, I found a ball of hair in my crumb đŸ€ź Presumably belonging to a dog or a cat. Anyway, hygiene is not there! At this price, at least meet your standards!

  • Stephane 974kerkreol

    Stephane 974kerkreol


    Good product but not excellent. The price is a bit high especially for a squeezed orange juice that is not made on demand... the taste seemed better before (choco bread. sandwich etccccc). I would think about it before leaving.

Café la plus proche

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