Boulangerie Patisserie MANCIET de Saint-Pierre

RĂ©unionBoulangerie Patisserie MANCIET



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64, Rue Victor le Vigoureux, 97410, Saint-Pierre, Canton de Saint-Pierre-2, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 693 22 63 29
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.3382143, Longitude: 55.4750055

commentaires 5

  • Melody Jewels

    Melody Jewels


    Unfriendly staff. Salad and wrap that must have been from the day before: totally faded and cooked salad that had drained of its water. And the exorbitant price for poor quality.

  • Sylvain Payet

    Sylvain Payet


    I bought a red fruit cake tonight. Frankly a musty smell on the cake that doesn't taste anything. They have lost serious quality since the change of ownership. Damage

  • G L

    G L


    The staff is average at the reception, especially the young people. The person drops the bread on the floor and puts it back in the bag before giving it to me. I had to ask her to change bread, otherwise for her, everything would be normal, it's incredible! The pains chocolats and croissants no longer have the same taste as before, the Oranais are twice as small. Etc. Short

  • Begue “Mikab06” Mickael

    Begue “Mikab06” Mickael


    Mythical bakery in Saint Pierre which has changed direction. The bread is too hard, the pastries okay but nothing more. The staff aren't the best either. They want to be pleasant but nothing to do with the bakery of yesteryear. A real loss for Saint Pierre

  • Hagenzone Krone

    Hagenzone Krone


    Very friendly service with excellent baguette and sweet pastries. It's true, pastries are pretty expensive but extraordinary tasty and exquisite. Despite the boulangerie is the oldest one in RĂ©union it is still good looking :)

Boulangerie la plus proche

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