Agence Groupama St Pierre de Saint-Pierre

RĂ©unionAgence Groupama St Pierre



🕗 horaire

46, Boulevard Hubert Delisle, 97410, Saint-Pierre, Canton de Saint-Pierre-2, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +33 2 62 30 03 00
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.3433887, Longitude: 55.4717189

commentaires 5

  • Mohamad Gangat

    Mohamad Gangat


    The staff is not friendly, the whole team is to be reviewed. To flee

  • Ad drs

    Ad drs


    A shame this insurance, no one ever answers, I want to insure my vehicle but no one takes my request into account, incompetent people

  • DUPONT Dominique

    DUPONT Dominique


    insurance that is useless, does not cover you in the event of a claim, cannot find your vehicle when you are broken down. For burglaries, they play on the smallest details to pay nothing. EMERGENCY FLEE

  • Anony mous

    Anony mous


    Above all, do not sign a contract with Mrs. Dumas Dominique present to make a contract but then after for the after-sales service takes people high when you talk to her takes herself for I don't know who, raises your voice, says to go elsewhere if you are not happy and makes threats to hustle when we are in order she thinks she is in new York she prefers to look at her smartphone and chew her chewing gum in a pathetic appointment

  • Rico loupo

    Rico loupo


    it would have been nice if we could be received by appointment

Agence d'assurance la plus proche

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