Village Club IGESA de Saint Paul

RĂ©unionVillage Club IGESA


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14, Rue des Nautiles, 97434, Saint Paul, Canton de Saint-Paul-3, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 262 93 54 05
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.1058116, Longitude: 55.2486144

commentaires 5

  • Seb Roc

    Seb Roc


    Some bungalows deserve to be refreshed, the furniture is old and the bedding tired. The beach is 20 meters away and you can swim there thanks to the coral reef.

  • loic termi

    loic termi


    Great welcome from the site staff who came for us on a Sunday morning following our delay due to the cyclone! They also contacted us in mainland France before our arrival to prepare us for the aftermath of the cyclone (Thanks again). - CONCERNING THE SITE: It is very well located and has a private car park to park cars. The site is super well maintained, with a large green space and a pétanque court as well as a beach shower and a private beach at the Lagoon level. The site is secured by code gates (great for letting children frolic in safety). ATTENTION when I talk about the security of the site it does not include the beach. - CONCERNING The Bungalow (FLAMBOYANT 2): Great building (not the newest). It has 2 double bedrooms and a bedroom with 2 single beds, all with air conditioning and fans. On request a cot can be set up, a high chair and a bathtub. It also has a living room - dining room with sofa bed, a TV, a kitchen with all the utensils for cooking, a coffee maker, a microwave, a gas cooker, a steam cooker and an oven. A large bathroom with shower and a large separate toilet. The Bungalow also has a terrace with table, chairs, barbecue and 2 deckchairs with a view of the ocean and a magnificent sunset!!! Towels / sheets / blanket are provided. I will come back .

  • Xavier de Sailly Candau

    Xavier de Sailly Candau


    Booking is difficult, but it is worth it: idyllic, welcoming and family setting. A real relaxing vacation. You will definitely come back here. 😘đŸȘ‚đŸ›©ïž

  • Micard Nicolas (snatsh HardLline)

    Micard Nicolas (snatsh HardLline)


    test of 3 different accommodations in this center and we loved it! immediate proximity to the sea, spacious and pleasant accommodation (even if not all are equal!) including 1 clean and large but on the mezzanine so not separated by 1 wall: not always practical! 1 big thank you to the adorable and responsive staff, too bad that it is not the staff of the center themselves who manages the reservations, it would avoid some organizational problems

  • Georges Caux

    Georges Caux


    Great stay which was extended following a last minute postponement of the departure from Reunion. The managers as well as the people who are in charge of the maintenance of the bungalows are very friendly. If there is a possibility of returning, we will do so with pleasure. Thank you to all of you.

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