Villa Du Lagon de Saint Paul

RĂ©unionVilla Du Lagon


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Rue des Palmes, 97434, Saint Paul, Canton de Saint-Paul-3, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262
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plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.0835988, Longitude: 55.2297413

commentaires 5

  • Clarisse G

    Clarisse G


    Heaven is here 🙏 Swimming pool worthy of a comfort hotel Space great time to spend with my family in this magnificent house

  • ZĂ©lia Sur La Terre Comme Au Ciel

    ZĂ©lia Sur La Terre Comme Au Ciel


    Magnificent moment on the beach of this emblematic place of the island

  • Celestine Zuzu

    Celestine Zuzu


    Very beautiful villa, functional and practical with all the comfort when it comes to furniture. 5 minutes from the sea and shops. However, requires a serious refresh and a few more accessories in the kitchen Like a quality coffee maker, espresso style, or other, vegetable grinder, serving knives... Tablecloths, because rope placemats are not very hygienic. A larger refrigerator would be welcome, for 8 people... Nelly, the housekeeper is very helpful and the house is spotlessly clean. Too bad the equipment is not complete.

  • Jean-Yves Demarthe

    Jean-Yves Demarthe


    Large villa with 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. At the top when there are many of us (6 adults + children in our case). Well equipped. Convenient for cooking. Pleasant garden. Games for children. 2min walk from the Leader-Price, 5min walk from the lagoon. The dishwasher and the washing machine have had their day but as long as it works it's good!

  • Romain Arnaud

    Romain Arnaud


    Large, very comfortable villa with a nice swimming pool (which was unfortunately green when we arrived but it was fixed the next day)

Lodging la plus proche

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