Saga du Rhum de Saint-Pierre

RéunionSaga du Rhum



🕗 horaire

Chemin Fredeline, 97410, Saint-Pierre, RE Reunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 35 81 90
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.3124633, Longitude: 55.4658723

commentaires 5

  • Hilo Lin

    Hilo Lin


    In the course of traveling, cultures encounter other culture and they often encounter cultures that are very different from their own.

  • Russ Braby

    Russ Braby


    Excellent representation of rum's importance to Reunion Island. A bit difficult to get to as it is located out of St Pierre actually out on an old sugar cane plantation and rum factory that has been re-purposed for tourists. The signage could be improved to direct visitors and the road could be improved and paved. Nonetheless, was impressed that everything was well translated into English. I was on a group tour in French of course, but there was also a headset to get a museum tour in English. Also, the tour guide herself spoke English quite well and reached out to make sure I was understanding everything and enjoying the tour. Most importantly, you get 2 shots of rum at the end of the tour! ...and perhaps a 3rd if you are nice to the bartender!

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    Aloma Rudman


    Liked the tour and the tasting of course.

  • Francis Clement

    Francis Clement


    Nice place to discover how the Rhum us done...

Musée la plus proche

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