roasted coffee area de Saint-Pierre

RĂ©unionroasted coffee area



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10 Allée des Cedres, Saint-Pierre 97410, Reunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 24 15 40
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.306886, Longitude: 55.423972

commentaires 5

  • Sebastien H.

    Sebastien H.


    Great coffee to taste but the main purpose is the botanical garden with local flora and they local history

  • Christian Weger

    Christian Weger


    Beautiful botanical garden. Though I thought I’d actually see coffee and learn about it. The coffee plants I could find were not indicated in the guide book and no explanation was given as to the species or treatment. Found one short explanatory sign on the history of coffee under one plant. That’s it. So if you want to visit a beautiful tropical garden and get a tour explaining it it’s sure worth it. If you want to learn about coffee, it’s rather pointless.

  • charel felten

    charel felten


    Beautiful garden and great guide. Very nice looking cafe as well. Definitely worth a visit.

  • Cesar Miguel

    Cesar Miguel


    Misleading name: sure it is a coffee cooperative, but the guided tour is by far the best I have done on a botanic garden. The history of the island through the gardens and plants. Simply awesome, you don't see the 2 hours pass. Not sure the tour is available in English, but if you speak French, this is a must! The guide was amazing.

  • Francis Clement

    Francis Clement


    Nice garden with a lot of species. They provide a well documented file if you want it.... Must taste absolutely the bourbon coffee (3.5€).... amazing...

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