Post Office i Les Avirons

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GenforeningPost Office



🕗 åbningstider

50, Avenue General de Gaulle, 97425, Les Avirons, Canton de l’Étang-Salé, RE Réunion
kontakter telefon: +262
internet side:
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Latitude: -21.2409544, Longitude: 55.332854

kommentar 5

  • Aurore



    Refused to give my spouse the registered letter when I made a power of attorney and he holds my identity card. On the pretext that the signature of the CI does not correspond to that of the power of attorney, it is really looking for the little beast, especially when the signatures are similar and my spouse has already carried out this procedure several times in your post office. You are in bad faith!

  • sylvie depeyre

    sylvie depeyre


    Came to ask for news of a parcel that left mainland France 2 months ago with the receipt of my complaint, the employee ("the cube") behind her computer was very very reluctant to make the slightest attempt to search, until until I ask him for stamps, "forcing" him to get up... Weird, isn't it? 🤣😂🤣😂

  • Franck Feuillade

    Franck Feuillade


    Overall happy with this little post office. Generally well received. Longer hours would be a plus.

  • hoareau sandra

    hoareau sandra


    With the covid we understand the restrictions, but the friendliness of the staff does not change... there are 10 people waiting in the sun, when finally someone comes to see us and we have the misfortune to ask for a paper (from check deposits for my example) well it's not possible, we have to wait our turn. Kindness goes both ways.

  • ero piero

    ero piero


    No friendliness, non-existent welcome, not even able to answer hello, or thank you... Zero

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