Post Office de Saint-Denis

RéunionPost Office



🕗 horaire

30 BIS, Rue de la Source, 97400, Saint-Denis, Canton de Saint-Denis-3, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 800 00 36 31
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.890095, Longitude: 55.448134

commentaires 5

  • Maurane Ravier

    Maurane Ravier


    Great support for my request




    Reading the comment I expected the worst going there and the worst happened. 9 am already and the post office still closed, customer service informed of nothing, no direct telephone number, no display if exceptional closure. To say that I was late on purpose to pick up my package because the delivery man did not consider it normal to ring the doorbell but directly poured a note saying no answer in the mailbox. The worst thing is that by writing this comment, I am aware that it will have no impact, that nothing will be done. No recourse, we are forced to undergo an incompetent service because it is the post office, it is sad all the same. I even manage to wish the worst on people I don't even know

  • Jeremie Catherine

    Jeremie Catherine


    To believe that this position is never open !! I went on a Saturday morning to pick up a package: Closed. I came back on Monday morning: Still closed. No sign to indicate the reason ... If not the opening hours, hours during which I however moved. Shameful service!

  • Adarsh Nathoo

    Adarsh Nathoo


    Opening hours that do not correspond to the one displayed... What is the difference between opening hours and recommended hours?? Too many exceptional closures

  • Petit Bonhome

    Petit Bonhome


    In two installments I made a withdrawal of €20, but the device does not give the money but displays the withdrawal via the bank application.

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