Post Office de ST PIERRE

RéunionPost Office



🕗 horaire

1, Rue Albert Luthuli, 97410, ST PIERRE, Canton de Saint-Pierre-2, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.34059, Longitude: 55.46113

commentaires 5

  • Peltier Florence

    Peltier Florence


    Very satisfied with this agency and particularly with the work of my financial advisor Mrs. Lebon. Efficient, responsive, she knew how to bring my project to completion. I recommend.

  • Djamal OUESSOU

    Djamal OUESSOU


    Agency very suitably organized in terms of space. Very welcoming and helpful team. Ms. Hoareau advised me available and very attentive both for advice and for solutions.

  • guy boeing

    guy boeing


    I was taken hostage by an employee who calls himself an advisor for two months. Forced to write to the regional director to obtain a change of manager. I was ignored by the management of this agency. the greatest contempt. Qd vs wait we hear them laughing in the back office. They don't care about customers except those who open 1 ccp for services. To flee given the total and inconceivable contempt these days. Awful. No agent control. A missing leadership. Awful. Turn to a real bank

  • Loic Ancile

    Loic Ancile


    Around 10:05 a.m. on August 11, 2022, I came to make a bank transfer, arrived at the counter a hostess greeted me without a smile, with an impressive coldness. I ask her for information concerning other transfers to come very soon, she simply replies with a nod, I tell her that this is not an appropriate way to answer my question which for me was very important. This even tells me that nothing obliges him to smile at the customers, so I deduce that to answer correctly too. So I ask her the possibility of seeing a manager, with disconcerting speed she tells me no and underlines that she is in a meeting as if by chance. I therefore take steps to ensure that this does not happen again, I naturally get in touch with a mediator via a downloadable form. Incredible this lack of professionalism and this total lack of ethics Towards a client. Respectfully

  • eric leroy

    eric leroy


    Crowded on Saturday mornings

Bureau de poste la plus proche

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