Pizza chez Simon de Saint-Benoît

RéunionPizza chez Simon



🕗 horaire

5, Chemin Bassin Bleu, 97437, Saint-Benoît, Canton de Saint-Benoît-2, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 29 78 39
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.081787, Longitude: 55.746855

commentaires 5

  • Nicolas Picard

    Nicolas Picard


    Fast but low-ingredient pizza

  • nicolas boyer

    nicolas boyer


    Order often on Sunday evening. Pizza 🍕 excellent. Always ready on time. Reliable loyalty service. Thank you Mr Simon.

  • Jefferson Fishora

    Jefferson Fishora


    This place is very good by the sea frankly I recommend the service is ultra professional it is very close to the customer and the pizzas of delight preferred me it is the master seguin that I recommend to honey goat lovers otherwise the prices are very affordable whether for pizza or supplements. I highly recommend.

  • Ann Onym

    Ann Onym


    Fresh ingredients, tasty pizza(especially the tomato sauce was exceptional) and friendly service.

  • Tobias Rothkopf

    Tobias Rothkopf


    Delicious and homemade pizza 🍕 the boss is behind the oven himself and there is pizza from the stone oven in an old Renault van. Very cool presentation. Visa/Mastercard is accepted. We only had two beers. Still very tasty and especially after 11 days of rice 🍚 mega!

Restaurant la plus proche

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