O' milles saveurs de Saint-Leu

RéunionO' milles saveurs


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77avenue general lambert, 97436, Saint-Leu, Canton de Saint-Leu, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262
site web: m.facebook.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.1645929, Longitude: 55.287576

commentaires 5

  • E. Lag

    E. Lag


    The restaurant has changed its name but not only; the prices have become excessive for what is offered in the take-out trays (eg: 8 euros for a bringelles boucané which used to cost only 6 euros for the same quantity and the same quality); I used to go there for lunch during my break from time to time but not anymore, I leave it to tourists

  • F G

    F G


    Far too expensive for a tray containing 80% rice 15% vegetables and 5% meat. Abuse is not far...really not far

  • Junior Mgk

    Junior Mgk


    (Everything seems open during the day) I come in and ask if they are open. Received very unpleasantly by a lady, telling me that it is closed (despite my politeness). Go on your way! Li cut my appetite

  • Marine De Maisoncelle

    Marine De Maisoncelle


    21 euros for two carris to take away and a bottle of water? A nice catch fool.. overpriced.. taste level the chicken had a slight taste of fish (it was fresh but surely cooked just after a fish dish). If you are looking for a real carri you will be disappointed.

  • Nirmal Pregassame

    Nirmal Pregassame


    Nice place to chill and drink

Restaurant la plus proche

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