Nok Noy de Saint Paul

RĂ©unionNok Noy



🕗 horaire

122, Rue du Général de Gaulle, 97434, Saint Paul, Canton de Saint-Paul-3, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 22 05 05
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.0519563, Longitude: 55.2271554

commentaires 5

  • Vincent Cotro

    Vincent Cotro


    We paid the premium price for 2 takeaway pad Thai. 26€... They were dry and not very tasty. I would not recommend.

  • Wild Traveller

    Wild Traveller


    Central location, nicely decorated restaurant. Better reserve a table ahead. I think we were a bit unlucky with our evening here: We waited ages for the meals, our order got lost somewhere and they excused themselves by not charging our beers and told us that they were low on staff. The food was just okay, the thai curry rather bland, anything else but spicy or aromatic. The servings were small - even after a starter and the main we still felt hungry. We had better Thai meals on the island.

  • christine pottier-buech

    christine pottier-buech


    Good. Go for it.

  • Chiara Lumini

    Chiara Lumini


    Best Thai food tasted since ages, fresh ingredients, well presented and cooked. Try their fresh spring rolls, they are amazing. Go there early, if you don't have a reservation because they only have few tables and they are always full. The price is honest for the quality offered. I wish I could go back there more often

  • Marco S (MarcoVolo)

    Marco S (MarcoVolo)


    Nothing special

Restaurant la plus proche

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