Le DĂ©barcadĂšre de Saint Paul

RĂ©unionLe DĂ©barcadĂšre



🕗 horaire

Quai Gilbert, 97460, Saint Paul, Canton de Saint-Paul-1, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 262 45 19 41
site web: debarcadere.re
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.0090145, Longitude: 55.2690225

commentaires 5

  • Valerie Malenfant

    Valerie Malenfant


    Very nice food, lovely setting

  • vaise dd

    vaise dd


    It s buffet food and fast fat food but ship.you can slighty eat for 7€

  • Cindy Pappas - Enault

    Cindy Pappas - Enault


    We were greeted at the front when we entered and asked if we could have drinks on the patio, we were told to seat ourselves. We then sat there forever until we finally left without having drinks... Great view and location... No service...

  • Michael Robinson

    Michael Robinson


    Bad Service? We were shown to a table that had cigarette ash on the table cloth - how is it possible to not clean the table when setting the table? I suggested the next table, but it seems that was not possible, the reason was not explained. Cannot cope with this sort of restaurant attitude. We left and went to La Capitainerie, opposite

  • Adam Adra

    Adam Adra


    Good food, slow service ! We tried the souris d’agneau and the prawns 🩐 highly recommended!

Restaurant la plus proche

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