Le Coup De Bol i La Possession

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GenforeningLe Coup De Bol



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2, rue Cimendef, 97419, La Possession, Canton de la Possession, RE Réunion
kontakter telefon: +262 262 55 03 15
internet side: www.lecoupdebol.com
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Latitude: -20.928849, Longitude: 55.332867

kommentar 5

  • Hélène Bauduin

    Hélène Bauduin


    We had a great time at this restaurant. The food is excellent and plentiful and the staff are lovely. We will come back with pleasure to taste the other specialties.

  • mathieu AH HONE

    mathieu AH HONE


    A great time spent with friends, The dishes are plentiful and really good. Impeccable service, when I read the other reviews I feel like I haven't been to the same restaurant. I will leave with great pleasure with friends or for a drink. Good vibes! The establishment also offers themed evenings.

  • Isaac RINALDO

    Isaac RINALDO


    Hello (sorry for the first answer it is an inadvertent support). The restaurant bar is well located: close to the 4 lanes. The service is fast, perfect for a drink and a snack. I recommend.

  • Junior Oc bar team

    Junior Oc bar team


    Warm welcome, the waitresses listening to the customer. At the cocktail aperitif 🍹 from the boss. On the kitchen side this day I took a homemade cordon bleu everything was perfect 👍. I recommend this restaurant without any hesitation.

  • Catherine PETIT SF

    Catherine PETIT SF


    Very friendly establishment! Good value for money. Varied dishes for all tastes and plentiful. Organization of theme evenings (sauerkraut evening, Halloween evening, etc.). Good atmosphere. Enclosed playground for children Everything to have a good time with family or friends with ease. The few small imperfections have no significant impact. In photo: sauerkraut evening - October 2020

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