Le Colibri de Le Tampon

RĂ©unionLe Colibri


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🕗 horaire

Rue Pierre Rivals, Le Tampon, Canton du Tampon-1, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 692 87 03 57
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.2214269, Longitude: 55.5525458

commentaires 5

  • christelle lorion

    christelle lorion



  • Joan Villa

    Joan Villa


    Thank you for the welcome, the breakfast, and all the advice! Excellent place, it feels good! 😊😊

  • Esther FernĂĄndez

    Esther FernĂĄndez


    The room was fabulous, everything very clean and with a very nice decoration. The owner very kind. Our very good experience. The only thing that access is a bit complicated when you enter with the car.

  • Ginette BERTHILDE

    Ginette BERTHILDE



  • Aline DUGAIN

    Aline DUGAIN


    In the top. Great welcome 😍

Lodging la plus proche

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