Le Chalet dAZAE i Saint-Louis

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GenforeningLe Chalet dAZAE



🕗 åbningstider

8c, Chemin Alibert Techer, 97421, Saint-Louis, Canton de Saint-Louis-2, RE Réunion
kontakter telefon: +262 692 26 90 52
internet side: www.chalet-dazae.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -21.27746, Longitude: 55.435971

kommentar 5

  • Maryse Dutoit

    Maryse Dutoit


    A pleasure to come back always so wonderful this little paradise. I feel good there with the calm and all this flamboyant greenery.

  • Talitha Hendriks

    Talitha Hendriks


    I’ve had a more than perfect stay here! All the necessities where there, the place is beautiful and green, and Maria is the best host.

  • Alfred SAWAYA

    Alfred SAWAYA


    I spent a fabulous week in the middle of the vegetation. For people like me living in the city and wanting to enjoy a natural climate, the place is perfect. I can also say that the meals were delicious, thanks to Maria for introducing me to Reunion dishes and her homemade exotic fruit jam. I would also like to thank her for her warm welcome and her availability.

  • farida soileh

    farida soileh


    Nothing on the picture on the site she asked us to stay 2 nights we only did one night bad smell, mosquitoes, dust in the room cat hair on the ears and sheets it is not clean at all. Breakfast: jam there is mold no pastries just sliced ​​bread crushed egg too salty. frankly disappointed

  • bertrand mucherie

    bertrand mucherie


    We stayed for two 3 weeks in the chalet, Maria is a great host who put us at ease right away, very warm, offering us moments of life with her, good advice on visits, also leaving us in our intimacy, all that in the best balance... intimacy is really the word for this green, calm and colorful place. The big plus is also the ideal location sometimes to go to the most beautiful beaches on the island, sometimes to hike in the mountains. a big thank you to Maria, without whom these holidays would not have had the same flavor!

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