La Poste de Cambuston de Saint-André

RéunionLa Poste de Cambuston



🕗 horaire

144, Rue de Cambuston, 97440, Saint-André, Canton de Saint-André-1, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.932234, Longitude: 55.643158

commentaires 5

  • Lo Bis

    Lo Bis


    remains closed for certain whole days without notice, it's a painful situation, to make people move for nothing. And no phone number to reach them...

  • Daniel C.

    Daniel C.


    Friendly staff, very good office layout. Many services

  • Mart Ikos

    Mart Ikos


    An unspeakable queue, in the rain and a staff so slow to cry. Bravo La Poste for the nullity of service. I even heard the amount left on the savings account of the person before me... Someone is paid to manage customer reception?

  • Julien Majorel

    Julien Majorel


    A little cleaning on the outside.. a bucket of water would do the most good.. it's really cracra. 🥶🥶 The door to the untinted glass is closed, the endless queue, no one to greet people, not an agent to refer customers. It is unacceptable ! We poirrotte 1 hour with the children under a filthy porch. Long live the Post in 2021!

  • Pascal Degoutho

    Pascal Degoutho



Bureau de poste la plus proche

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