La Maison d'Edith de Saint-Denis

RĂ©unionLa Maison d'Edith



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59, Chemin Commins, 97417, Saint-Denis, Canton de Saint-Denis-2, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 692 69 66 05
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.890003, Longitude: 55.407214

commentaires 5

  • Sarah PRUDHOM

    Sarah PRUDHOM


    We had a great vacation, too short for our taste! The setting is beautiful and relaxing. We leave there really rested. Thank you again for this warm welcome. We loved the guided tour (especially Raphaël, who redid the part I had missed).




    We had a wonderful day for our end of year party. Relaxing atmosphere, beautiful setting and steeped in history. Our host, Frédérique, was very available and attentive to the organization. I recommend ++

  • HeavyBaz



    We rented this beautiful garden as a reception space for our wedding. The setting is cozy, intimate, relaxing. Frédérique's organization was flawless, fair, completely in line with what we were looking for. We highly recommend !!!!

  • Marie FISCHER

    Marie FISCHER


    First and certainly not the last time at the Maison d'Edith! MAGNIFICENT setting, a training space in the middle of nature which really allows you to free your minds from small worries and to be present here and now :) Frédérique our host was very caring and I thank her warmly for all her attentions greatly appreciated. I have animated in many pleasant and original places but Edith's house is really special... I recommend it to you without any hesitation.

  • Sophie Afchain

    Sophie Afchain


    A magnificent place, a warm welcome, an exciting visit supported by a very beautiful family story! I had the chance to be present for the Heritage Days and to listen to François and Frédérique. La Maison d'Edith also offers guest rooms, yoga classes, massages, and a place for seminars. To discover absolutely!

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