La Case à Pains de Saint-Gilles les Bains

RéunionLa Case à Pains


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27, rue du Port de Plaisance, 97434, Saint-Gilles les Bains, RE Reunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 96 33 01
site web:
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Latitude: -21.0581058, Longitude: 55.2330826

commentaires 4

  • Dimitri NICOLAS

    Dimitri NICOLAS


  • Russ Braby

    Russ Braby


    Great location in the marina of St Gilles. Parking seems to always be full, though I can't really blame La Case a Pains as it is endemic of nearly all of Reunion, particularly the touristy areas like this. We brought our 3 month old in a pram (stroller) and there were a few stairs to deal with, a ramp would be great in the future. The furnishings could use a revamp - coat of paint at least or more. Nonetheless a cool design, attempt of a reflection on a traditional kaz, Reunion style. As for the most important thing - the bread. I am no expert, but I believe locals consider their bread & pastries above average. Perhaps a tad bit overpriced (but, one would expect this given the location). Staff I've found to be friendly, however they could use a different set up (e.g. 1 place to order, another counter to pick up, and 3rd to pay). As it is, all is in one spot and it is congested and disorganized.

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    mxLles malik


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    Kamel You


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