La Banque Postale de Saint Paul

RéunionLa Banque Postale



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58, Rue Rhin et Danube, 97460, Saint Paul, Canton de Saint-Paul-1, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262
site web:
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Latitude: -21.0101288, Longitude: 55.271231

commentaires 1

  • patricia caroline

    patricia caroline


    This is the 2nd time that I have posted a negative opinion on this parcel delivery site. I don't know what's going on, but it's abnormal to see parcels taken hostage. Parcel drop Tuesday and tracking status unchanged this weekend. Later the workers will complain when the private companies take over the whole market. In all trades there are problems but when a service is invoiced it is normal for the customer to want to see the tracking of his package, especially when the shipment must be delivered before a deadline to the recipient. either for the reception or the dispatch there are big problems in the post offices.

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