Intermark de Saint-Denis




🕗 horaire

1, Rue Saint-Joseph Ouvrier, 97400, Saint-Denis, Canton de Saint-Denis-3, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 30 66 30
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.8961401, Longitude: 55.4576432

commentaires 5

  • Gareth Clutton

    Gareth Clutton


    Arrive 5 minutes before closing time but not allowed in. Time shown in the door... Avoid

  • Pascal Will

    Pascal Will


    Very disappointed with this brand... We all know the cost of living in Reunion and the prices charged here are clearly exaggerated... She has a good back against inflation! Special mention to the security manager at the entrance who prefers to make good words with the cashiers rather than taking care of his mission...(13/12/22 2:45 p.m.) Fortunately in the neighborhood there is no shortage of mini-markets! Long live the competition...

  • Lam L

    Lam L



  • Pedro Manuel P. Silva

    Pedro Manuel P. Silva


    small market, there is not much variety of products, prices are higher than in other larger markets, but it is good, there is a bakery right at the entrance.

  • Vincent H

    Vincent H


    Good place to shop

Supermarché la plus proche

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